
Know God. Know Yourself. Make Friends.

We are excited for your visit.

PS Kids
At Pearl Street Kids we create environments where children are encouraged and equipped to experience God in a creative, fun, and safe way. We provide an experience for newborn babies all the way through 5th grade. We do this in two ways.

Weekend Services

Worship - atmospheres that welcome God’s presence.
Lessons - illustrations that point to the hope in Jesus.
Response - inspiring a reaction to receiving God’s love.
Connection - creating friendships within.

Weekly Community with Parents

Spiritual Development - putting lessons into practice.
Community Growth- support beyond the classroom.
Accountability - measuring individual success.
PS Youth
VISION: to help the youth culture of PS Church know God, know themselves, and make friends.

PSYTH is for students from 6th to 12th grade. Each Wednesday during the school year, we create an experience for students to build relationships between students, leaders, and God.